This is my curriculum vitae et studiorum





I was born in Sanremo (Imperia) on 18 April 1963. I live in Arezzo, Tuscany, since 1979. I married with Monica in September 1998.

I enroled in University of Florence, Faculty of Political Sciences "C. Alfieri", in 1983. During my University studies I attended two international Seminars:
I) A seminar named "American European Summer School", organised by the "Centre International de Formation Européenne" (Nice, France), in the period 5-25 July 1987, in Lochau am Bodensee (Austria). The matter of the Seminar was "The Relations Between Europe and North America. History, Institutions, Agreement and Disagreement, Scenarios for the Future".
II) "Summer University Seminar on the European Community", 16-22 August 1987, organised by the Geerlingshof-Europehouse Foundation in Valkenburg (The Netherlands). The matter of the Seminar was "The Future of European Defence: Towards a closer European defence Co-operation?". Both Seminars were entirely in English.

I graduated in April 1989, supervisor Prof. G. Arfè, discussing a thesis dealing with the idea of European unity in the Italian anti fascist movements during the period 1929-1943. The title was "L'europeismo nella lotta antifascista: il movimento di "Giustizia e Libertà" ed i federalisti di Ventotene (1929-1943)" ("Europeanism in the Anti fascist Struggle: the "Giustizia e Libertà" Movement and the Ventotene Federalists (1929-1943)"); my work won the prize "Paolo Treves", given annually by the University of Florence.

From July 1989 to October 1990 I have attended military service.

In October 1991 I won the exam for the admission to the Doctorate in "History of Federalism and European Integration" (University of Pavia), classifying myself at the first place. My Tutor has been Professor G. Arfè.
In November 1991 my thesis won the first prize "Nuova Antologia - Italia Unita", organised by the "Nuova Antologia Foundation" presided by Senator Giovanni Spadolini. In the same year I obtained by the "Regione Toscana" the professional qualification as an archivist.

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From 1992 to 1995 I have published several papers on the matter of History of Federalism and European Integration (see list in "published works" page), and took part to several meetings and conferences:

a) In February 1992 I spoke in Genoa about "Europeanism and Commitment in the Anti fascist Struggle: Carlo Rosselli's Thought"; the meeting was organised by the AICCRE of the "Regione Liguria". This paper has been published in "Il Politico", review edited by the University of Pavia (1992, LVII, n. 2, pp. 325-340) with the title "Europeanism and Anti fascist Commitment in Carlo Rosselli's Thought";
b) "Giornata di studio sul pensiero politico di Michael Walzer", 4th May 1993, Faculty of Political Sciences in Florence: paper on Walzer federalista? (Federalism in Michael Walzer). Conference proceedings to be published;
c) National meeting "Andrea Caffi, un socialista libertario", Bologna, November 1993: paper dealing with Stato nazionale e europeismo nel pensiero di Andra Caffi (National State and Europeanism in Andrea Caffi's Thought). Meeting proceedings have been published;
d) National Conference "Perché vissero, perché vivono. Buozzi, Colorni, Matteotti", organised by Fondazione Brodolini and by Fondazione Modigliani in Rome and by Fondazione Turati in Florence; Rome, "La Sapienza" University, June 1994: paper Un dialogo interrotto: Eugenio Colorni e Altiero Spinelli (An Interrupted Dialogue: Eugenio Colorni and Altiero Spinelli). Conference proceedings have been published;
e) National Meeting "Convegno di studi Rosselliani", Imperia, April 1995: paper Europeismo e Stato nazionale nell'opera di Carlo Rosselli (Europeanism and National State in Carlo Rosselli's Work);
f) National Conference "Le formazioni Giustizia e Libertà nella Resistenza", organised by FIAP in Milan, May 1995: together with Leo Valiani, Giovanni De Luna, Paolo Vittorelli and Giorgio Vaccarino I present one of the five principal papers of the Conference, dealing with L'europeismo nella stampa clandestina delle formazioni "Giustizia e Libertà" (Europeanism in the underground press of the "Giustizia e Libertà" Partisan Troops"). Conference proceedings have been published.
In 1993 I signed a contract with the Publisher Il Mulino in Bologna, to edit the Altiero Spinelli's work. The first volume is published in 1993, and is entitled Machiavelli nel secolo XX. Scritti del confino e della clandestinità (1941-1944). Then, in 1996, a second volume has been published, entitled La rivoluzione federalista. Scritti 1944-1947. A third volume will be published during 2000 (Europa Terza Forza. Politica estera e difesa comune negli anni della guerra fredda. Scritti 1947-1954)

Fellow of the European Press Club. In April 1994 I attended a seminar in Bruxelles dealing with the Mass Media changes in Europe after Maastricht.
In 1994 I obtained a scholarship by the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi in Turin for my doctoral research.
In October 1994 I completed my doctorate courses; in October 1995, after a year of delay, due to the Ministry of the University negligence, I defended my doctoral thesis with Profs. Paul A. Ginsborg, Mario Isnenghi and Luigi Ganapini, obtaining the title.
In July 1996 I have won a two years post-doctorate scholarship, at the University of Florence.
At the present moment I'm carrying out research work within my chosen field of studies "Storia del federalismo europeo nei partiti e nei movimenti politici" ("The History of European and Federal Idea in the Political Parties and Movements") at the Faculty of Political Sciences (University of Florence), under the guidance of Prof. Ennio Di Nolfo (History of International Relations).
I have worked at the said Faculty as volunteer assistant ("cultore della materia") during six academic years: 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994-95, 1995-96, 1997-98, holding seminars and lessons about History of European Integration and History of Political Parties and Movements.
My interests concentrate on Modern History, in Italy and abroad, particularly on the process leading towards European Unity; with particular attention to the problems relating to the federal approach and functional approach.

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